Tuesday 20 January 2009

Secure Email

I have set up a new secure email address, it's user address hidden from display so there is no way anyone should be hack access to it.

Send it too


Jenny has sent my copies of the gravestone and scroll message fragments.

My train is arriving for the trip to Dholavira but I'll email copies when I find another hotspot.

Monday 19 January 2009

Something or nothing?

Well I certainly caused some pandemonium but it worked, the doors all unlocked the moment I pulled the alarm switch.

There wasn't much though it seemed. A lot of boxes of papers marked things like soil analysis and local history reports.

The only thing that seemed worth while was a box marked artefacts which was on a shelf by itself. At that point I heard at lot of people and decided it was better to put some distance between myself and the town.

At first I though it was just junk, rusted bottle caps and batteries, what looks like the remains of a book cover, a broken pair of sunglasses and a pocket watch that looks remarkably like one I was given by my Grandfather, except for the inscription inside and a lot of corrosion and damage.

The inscription is very small, running in a spiral from the outside to the centre of the inside cover but it just looks like a string of letters. I think it reads;


I'm wondering if I missed something important that I should have been looking for. Too late now I guess. I shall try and contact Jenny again see what she thinks. I guess I should try to contact No again too, if he is still out there.

What to look for?

They seem to be wrapping up for the night, all the flood lights at the dig are going out and there's been a stream of people coming and going.

I like the idea about the fire alarm, M. Fingers crossed the doors will unlock though I don't know how long I'll have before they show up. Let's hope it is enough to find something. I don't expect I will be able to hang around afterwards, security will be a lot tighter if they realises someone’s been snooping about.

I'll give them time to have a few drinks in the bar then go for it.

What am I looking for?

I've been watching the room all day. It doesn't seem to be guarded but people are walking by all the time. So I guess if I can get in it will have to be at night.Although it's on the ground floor, it's built into the side of a steep hill so at the back the windows appear to be on the third floor and completely out of reach.

As far as I can tell all the doors in this place have those old magnetic locks with key card access.

They seem to be using it as a store room for stuff. Mostly tools stacks of folders going in and out. To be honest even if I can get in there, I have no idea what I'm looking for?

Anyone know how to bypass a magnetic lock?

Sunday 18 January 2009

Interesting Video

Did Jenny sneak back to Quantum's facility? I'm not sure if she is brave or stupid.

Still interesting none the less. The hotel room caught my attention, these guys have rented out almost every room at the local hotel but people are going in and out of one in perticular all day.

I'll keep an eye on it tonight, if they leave it unguarded maybe I can have a snoop around.

On a more worrying note it looks like someone tried to hack my email. I guess I have to assume it's not safe anymore, I'll set a new one up when I have a moment.

By the way, here is a funny riddle I heard one of the suits say.

If there are 14 gold coins, 11 silver coins, 8 bronze coins and 2 stone coins down a hole, how many would you have to pull out to get two matching coins?

Email from Jenny

So I just got this strange email from Jenny. Just a link to a password protected vimeo file and a load of times for something. I can't seem to open the file and I don't know what the times are, maybe when she might arrives or something to do with the Tunneling technology.


05:00 22:00 01:00 14:00 07:00 05:00 12:00 09:00 14:00 05:00

Who are these guys???

Scratch what I said about the suits being from Quantum. I just saw a couple of the guys who were there to capture me and they don't look happy.

Could the guys in suits be the one's behind Quantum that Jenny mentioned?

Who are these guys?

Search for clues

Firstly I'd like to thank Moontje for the directions to Dholavira. I wanted to get that in now, in case I didn't get a chance later.

I've been snooping round the town today, no sign of Jenny yet but it isn't hard to spot the Quantum guys. Black suit, white shirt and red ties.

Has anyone heard the phrase 'in hoc seenyo vinces' or maybe it's 'in hoc signo vinces'. It sounds Italian but most of these guys have English or American accents. These guys use it like a greeting with each other. If anyone knows it should be safe to post it here.

They seem to be concentrating their search on a church here, interestingly it would seem it was once a library several centuries ago.

I hope Jenny is alright, still no contact with No but the Quantum guys kept asking me where he was in the interrogation so I can at least hope he is safe.

Note to self, I do not look good as a blonde, I have to wash this stuff out of my hair as soon as this is over.

Saturday 17 January 2009

Free and on the move

Wow, what an intense day. I can't believe I was foolish enough to leave the meeting location and time on the blog.

I'm just glad they captured me and didn’t just kill me on the spot. But it seems they are looking for parts of the message too. Between the interrogation and what Jenny, (our friend from Quantum who it turns out is Jake's sister) has told me, it seems they are still looking for two parts of the message now they have the Voynich message we found along with the gravestone and scroll found in Egypt on a archaeological dig in 1987.

However it would seem Quantum aren’t the guys in charge. They are just the research and development lot for their amazing technology and Tempus Think Tank is the code name for their private military force.

But Jenny assures me that there is someone else behind the scenes pulling all the strings and whoever they are they guys at the top of Quantum feared them like the devil.

What we do know now is the message is in some way about Quantum Industries and the group behind them which have been looking for it since the early sixties.

Now on to the amazing bit, one minute I'm strapped to a chair in some plastic box God knows where, the next I'm strapped to a chair on the pavement in front of the Eiffel tower next to Jenny. Apparently this wasn't where we were supposed to 'land' but the technology behind how it happened doesn't work properly yet.

No one but the top guys know where it comes from but they've been developing this stuff for decades but only got it working, sort of, in the last few years.

They call it Bridging and Tunnelling. Bridging allows them to create pseudo stable wormholes between two places, though at the moment holding the ends in place is temperamental. Jenny was an operator for one of their Bridging systems.

Tunnelling is the really incredible bit though. They are able to punch a wormhole back through time however only very short distances. The early experiments proved that going to far back had a tendency to cause a Cascade, or at least in theory. As I understand it, the experiments they are aware of failed because any success would have wiped itself out of existence.

The other important things to note are that each jump tears a small hole in space time and with each hole it becomes harder and harder to lock the ends of a bridge or tunnel down in that area of time or loop as the operators call them. Another reason why we ended up in Paris instead of London.

The other important thing is that it is impossible to go forward in time, only backwards. Theoretically because the future does not exist until it happens. It's at this point my head really begins to hurt and I asked Jenny to stop explaining.

I wanted to get somewhere safe as we will soon be out of our current time loop and at that point these guys could potentially tunnel back from a future that hasn't happened yet to kill us if they know where we are.

If that isn't enough to boggle your minds then you must be made of stone.

Anyway, I think I'm safe for the moment and I wanted to thank you for the help you gave Jenny getting me out. The other blog is being watched but this one should be clean for now. Jenny said she needed to sort something out but she would meet me in La Couvertoirade, a small town in the south of France which is where we thing the next part of the message may be hidden.

Still this maybe walking into the Lions den, hell walking into the Lions open mouth as Quantum are already looking there but I can see no way of ending this and I've come this far...

I think that little jaunt through time and space has scrambled my brain.

It is going to take some time to get there and I don't know what I will face when I get there but in the mean time I need you help again, if you’re willing.

Whether successful in La Couvertoirade or not, Jenny says the other place Quantum are looking for a message fragment is a place called Dholavira. I need to know where it is and the fastest way there from La Couvertoirade.

I shall update as soon as I know more. You can email me route, it seems they never had a way to watch that. Ironic really.

I will update when I reach La Couvertoirade.