Monday 19 January 2009

Something or nothing?

Well I certainly caused some pandemonium but it worked, the doors all unlocked the moment I pulled the alarm switch.

There wasn't much though it seemed. A lot of boxes of papers marked things like soil analysis and local history reports.

The only thing that seemed worth while was a box marked artefacts which was on a shelf by itself. At that point I heard at lot of people and decided it was better to put some distance between myself and the town.

At first I though it was just junk, rusted bottle caps and batteries, what looks like the remains of a book cover, a broken pair of sunglasses and a pocket watch that looks remarkably like one I was given by my Grandfather, except for the inscription inside and a lot of corrosion and damage.

The inscription is very small, running in a spiral from the outside to the centre of the inside cover but it just looks like a string of letters. I think it reads;


I'm wondering if I missed something important that I should have been looking for. Too late now I guess. I shall try and contact Jenny again see what she thinks. I guess I should try to contact No again too, if he is still out there.

1 comment:

  1. We have decoded the message. Do you have a secure place we can contact you so that others will not see the decoded message?

